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Give Yourself Permission

In looking back at what we were told as children, it somehow feels wrong to take care of ourselves first. And yet, if we do not take care of ourselves first, how can we truly be there for someone else. I am reminded of something a very wise and beautiful friend told me - it's the same reason we put on the oxygen mask first before helping others. If we run out of oxygen, we cannot help others. She also shared this: "We give from our overflow, not the cup". We need to be whole - aka full cup, before we can help others. Give from the blessings that are overflowing in your life so as not to deplete yourself.

If we are not living our truest selves, we are not blessing others with all of our gifts and talents and we are, in essence, short-changing everyone, including us. Find out what brings you joy and Bliss, learn how to express that in the world and let it flow out into the world for all to enjoy.

Too many times we tend to take care of others' needs before our own. We tell ourselves that it is what we enjoy doing - helping others. And that may be very true. When we really begin to think about it, honestly from a space of wonder, we may find that while we do enjoy it, we may also feel that we are not worthy of putting that attention on ourselves, or that it is selfish to do so.

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