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I help women release excess weight without fad diets or medications.

🌿 Hypnotherapy for Mindful Living: Unleash the power of your subconscious mind to overcome emotional eating, build positive habits, and reframe your relationship with food.


🥗 Functional Health Counseling for Nutritional Wisdom: Receive personalized guidance on nutrition, creating a sustainable and enjoyable approach to healthy eating that aligns with your lifestyle.


🌟 Auriculotherapy with Ear Seeds: Experience the gentle yet effective stimulation of acupressure points, supporting weight loss and overall well-being.

Michele Root
Meet Michele Root


She struggled most of her adult life trying to maintain a healthy weight. She kept losing and gaining the same 20-30 lbs, over, over AND over again. Looking back, she can tell you that she didn't pay attention to HOW her body was responding to the foods she ate, it's inability to digest all the nutrients the food provided, and the careless ways she was treating her body by ignoring all the signs & symptoms. Even after learning about nutrition and what the body NEEDS to thrive, she struggled. She's not sure where she'd be if she hadn't hired a Health Coach! She discovered that​...

3-Tiered Approach
Rooted in Personalization!


  • It All Begins in the Gut - giving your body the resources it needs to run better today while avoiding/reducing what can irritate, overwhelm and disrupt its efforts. (~Ashley Koff, RD)

  • Release Mindset roadblocks, uncover the Gut-Brain Connection and how each "feeds" off the other 

  • Nutrition & Lifestyle - creating and maintaining sustainable changes that will benefit you for life and never having you feel deprived or on a diet


Focusing on a client-centered care starting with three important aspects:​

  • Empathy - understanding how my clients feel

  • Respect - being respectful of client's values and beliefs

  • Engagement - taking the time to actively interact with my clients

healthy nutrition
delicious healthy alternatives
Holistic Wellness Success Requires Mind-Body Connection


Develop a healthy road map with Michele, based on your personal health assessment, to identify your Root Cause(s) of your struggle to lose weight & keep it off.


Many people come to Hypnosis as a “last resort” - after they’ve tried EVERYTHING and feel a failure, so they’re giving one last-ditch effort to restore their personal power in their health. And guess what? IT WORKS!

Image by Tim Mossholder

Phoenix, AZ

Currently Serving Clients Remotely

dba Michele Root~Empowering You!

Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor 

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Board Certified Holistic Health Coach

Certified Ear Seeds Practitioner

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen and any/all medications you are currently taking and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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